This is the second of two videos on how to setup your Yaesu FT-991 for FT8 weak signal communication. This part will show you how to install and adjust the settings of WJST-X on Linux specifically for the FT-991.
WSJT-X Settings
General Tab
Enter your call sign and grid ([GridMapper on](
Double-click on call sets Tx enable = Enable (optional)
Disable Tx after sending 73 = Enable (optional)
Radio Tab
Rig = Yaesu FT-991
Baud Rate = 38400
Data Bits = Eight
Stop Bits = Two
Handshake = Hardware
PTT Method = CAT
Mode = Data/Pkt
Split Operation = None
Audio Tab
Soundcard Input = alsa_input.usb-Burr-Brown…
Soundcard Ouput = alsa_output.usb-Burr-Brown…